No to mines, yes to life!

In August 2021, the doors of Quinta do Cruzeiro were opened to welcome friends  and companions who share our struggle, from  all over the country and the world. The community of Covas do Barroso welcomed them  as  it always welcomes all who visit us in good faith:  with an open heart, a smile on our face and doors wide open. 

Following this very successful and rewarding  experience for both the visitors and the community, and since  our struggle continues, the Camp in Defense of Covas do Barroso return  for a second edition! 

Between 12 and 15 August 2022, we invite once more all those who wish to join us for four days to  share experiences and stories.  

Our struggle is the same but it it's also different.  We once believed we would only have to confront the mining company and the government but we now know everything goes. We were confronted with threats, with attempts to interfere with democratic processes and shameless "divide and conquer" manipulation tactics. We learn not to underestimate how low the unbridled pursuit for profit can go. 

Against the insidious tactics orchestrated by the mining lobby, we count on the support, solidarity and camaraderie of other communities who share  in  our struggle in Portugal and  around the world, as well as the strength of the union of our community. 

This year, in the face of conflict and  war, the world is forced  to reflect on what the “energy transition” really means and its costs. We want to explore and deconstruct the “energy transition” narrative  that  promotes unbridled extractivism and the ultimate certain exhaustion of natural resources, the destruction of rural land, and the incessant pursuit of profit. We would like to discuss our experience of the social engineering and judicial terrorism tactics we faced and our battle against the capitalist frenzy that wants to grow at the expense of our people, our hills and our waters.

Above all, we want to prevent a profit-hungry  company from destroying our mountains and our ancient history. We want to  challenge the neocolonialist mentalities, which sacrifices rural communities  and regions to the most unacceptable injustices in the name of the common good that they will never benefit from. 

We will not be fooled by the “Emperor’s New Clothes” and will not have anyone fool us  or shame us into saying that grey is green, that mines are sustainable and we  do not and will never regard  mining companies as  saviors that can bring us sustainable development. 

We are tired of claims that mining in the  EU is subject to the highest environmental and social standards worldwide- it has been proved it isn’t and we are left vulnerable to abuse.  In Covas do Barroso we hold the proof that laws are worth little or nothing if they are not enforced and more so if  the government and public institutions are willing to bow and bend to the will of mining companies.

In Covas do Barroso, we that have always lived sustainably and resent being  sacrificed so that others  can maintain their resource intensive way of life. 


We would love to be able to tell you our  story, introduce you to our community, and share with you our  history and heritage that we fight to protect. 

We have several proposals, but we want to hear yours as well. 

Join us and add your voice to ours!

Yes to LIFE. No to MINES.